28 August 2008

PR vs Advertising

Currently writing an essay for Current Issues in Marketing, and I chose the topic why less is spent on PR and more on advertising, hoping that this would include some new topics, that we haven't discussed to pieces. Partly happy with my choice.
I realized that there is no way, in any topic to actually avoid the issue of measurement, which in the industry seem to be the most important factor in keeping business, since the clients always want to make sure that they get a good ROI, including public relation practice.
The problem seems to be that people don't know how to measure eighter advertising or PR, which creates a problem, where the agencies present a whole bunch of stats to the client, trying to justify that the budget spend was indeed a good investment. Clients nod and go of wondering what the numbers actually said.
Luckily enough, for me, in the advertising industry, PR seems to be a lot harder to measure than advertising, which gives advertising at least a few decades on PR as a communication tool. Yippie.
On PR, advertising is at least entertaining to watch, but PR, when you can tell that, which PR practitioners argue that you don't, there is a practitioner and a client behind the news you read or spontaneous outbreaks on the morning show, you just think, how tacky is that. An attempt to sell me something without me noticing. Isn't that much more tacky than advertising that upfront is selling or communicating with you openly, instead of trying to sneak in messages of promotion in what is suppose to be a news story.
Hopefully people recognise the difference.
But okey all PR isn't like that. It is truly interesting to read about new innovations etc.
Martin Trevaskis, editor at Campaign Brief WA, says "Follow the Money".

27 August 2008

Who needs drugs when you can put this on your wall

an illusion, by David O'Reilly found by CJ on Today and Tomorrow
Click It!

26 August 2008


The City is growing and it is fun to see that in the center of the city, just by St George's Terrace, there is a huge hole full of promises. Promises of a greater Perth, with a lot more... And from sources, I have learned that, not only the big brands Chanel and Prada are opening flagship-stores on Hay Street, but all of the new shopping gallerias, currently being built, are scheduled to open in December.

In a city like this, that have been known as a huge smalltown, rather then the international airport holder closest to the rest of the world, it is exciting to see that the city is trying to take advantage of it's opportunities.

It's a Sunny Day in Joondalup

25 August 2008

It's 23.09

It's 23.09 and Harrison Ford in Firewall seem way too exciting to start studying for the mid-term tomorrow at 9.30.
He's got the power of persuasion.

24 August 2008

Congratulations Botolf!

I just want to say congratulations to Botolf who won the scratch of Triss in the Morning News Show today. The host asked him while he was scratching away, what he would do with the money and he explained that he would by a hedge trimmer with the money.
He won 200,000 SEK.
Have fun trimming Botolf!

21 August 2008

The Strive to Keep Me Drinking

"...but I can't be bothered to go to Moon cause we're just gonna stay out too long, we can buy some beer to take away, and drink on the balcony" Brilliant Idea by Carl

The Bronze Man

18 August 2008

Best of Carl Johan Malmsten

Let's Be There!

Environmental Adidas

Sunny and Chair

The last few days have been perfectly beautiful, and I am happy to tell you. Actually sitting on the balcony having a few Coopers Original. It is 17.54 and the sky is blue with a few pink and orange puffs of clouds. The sun is setting and i have sent in my Current Issues of Marketing Seminar Report, and feel quite confident that I won't get a satisfying score on this one, but it's okey - cause everything is okey when the sun is on my side. Actually spent about 4 hours in a chair inside Dome Westend to finish it, and I'm feeling happy yet restless. One can not stay in one chair for too long without getting a bit eccentric. And as I've been told I just chat a lot in that state, which CJ is quite annoyed with right now, cause he's writing an article for Urban Lifestyle Report, and just pointed out to me that "Business sends Emails to Customers" is not Sexy, according to Mark in the current issue of AdNews. But really. Who's more appropriate to talk to about subjects like that?

Oh, by the way, from our balcony we have a great view of a man who enjoys to show his private parts and rub them with the blind up, in the light of his spotlight, in the evenings when the sun has gone down, cause that's when you can see him properly. 

Very cleaver, but I don't really approve. That's not what you'd like to see when you go outside for a cigg at night. And now I can't help but look - not good I tell you. 

What's Next?

Go Brooklyn
With crazy rental prices in Perth New York and Brooklyn seem quite reasonable. Now all I have to do is to get a job.  

12 August 2008

Feber oh Sweet Feber

11 August 2008

Just Tired - Thats All

As I  feared, the combination of working, doing my third year of my bachelor and meeting my friends on my days of is quite stressful - and I'm only three weeks in to the semester. 

I found the time to sit down for a while, while the sun was still up and just relax, after having quickly proof read my assignment that was due today. Just sit down for a few minutes before staring on an other assignment that was basically due sometime last week. 
But these minutes have given me the opportunity to reflect on a few things. But I quite confident that this week has been one of the worst so far, because of my birthday. 
Still feeling alright thou.

10 August 2008

Graffidiot - a Weak Form of Advertising?

09 August 2008

Good Birthday So Far

It's 16.59 and I have been surprised 2 times already. I arrived at work and Ange had ordered helium balloons and put them up in the office at pandora. She bought muffins from David Jones and chips and dip. The first thing tho - she gave me a BIG glass of champagne - which was exactly what i needed after a lot of the drinks at the Black and White party yesterday.   

I came home and was greeted by Kim, Niklas, Dennis, Sam, Takin and ofcourse my roomie CJ. Småplock and tårta

06 August 2008


05 August 2008

Hello Baby Franklin!

I just got the fabulous news. I am an auntie as of today!
Congratulations to my siter Veronica and Brother in Law David Carenfelt.
Love you all. Hope to see pictures of Frankie soon, and looking forward to Skypeing with Frankie boy.

04 August 2008

Pandora Launch Party

Kings Park Fast Power Walk

Damn Wireless in the City wont let me upload

01 August 2008

Pandora Launch Party

Pandora opened almost 2 months ago and yesterday a few of the marketing team from Denmark joined us, the flagship-store girls and the retailers, supported with media publications from Australia, to celebrate the successful market penetration. 

The event was smaller than what I expected but at least I got the chance to meet some of the driving force behind Pandora Jewelry. 
There where quite a few magazines and newspapers present, The West Australian, Box Magazine and others. And more than ones we, as in CJ and I had to pose, spell out our complex Swedish names, which in the end always turned out to be Verg and Malmstem. 
It is exciting though to see where these pictures actually end up and if the pose practices payed off. (I don't know any others who can stare at the mirror as much and as long as we can). We basically had to plan the apartment interior to the most time efficient way to look in the mirror one last time before leaving. 
The night was a success and we ended up at Hula Bula Bar yet again to sink a few Shrunken Heads before the nightly routine - drinking a few glasses of red before hitting the sack, harder than expected when the night began. 
In between working and buying compact powder and rushing home to get changed I found myself too stressed out to actually eat anything at all. Which might have a play in the constant dizziness of this slow and painful Friday. 
But rest is for buggers who have nothing to live for, so, tonight will commence with a few Friday night drinks at work and then quick change stop leading to Hula Bula - Devilles and most probably the nightly glasses. (the excuse being having to celebrate that all the Sweeds are back from their fab holiday in the green grass of Stockholm).
Good enough argument I suggest. 
However I can help myself from thinking of ways to get out of it - cause with these people - a simple no is never enough. 
Or is it?