31 May 2008

Oil Battle 46 328

The savage oil companies continue their constant destruction of what is for most people considered cool, unique and beautiful.

This tribe, that are in this picture aiming their arrows at an airplane, live in a remote part of the Brazilian rain forest. The tribe who have no connection to the world we know are now becoming a political discussion in International Media.

While I think it is good that there are organizations, like the one flying over the tribes homes and taking pictures "to prove their existence", are fighting the French oil company Perenco the conflict itself is absurd. Perenco want to drill for oil in the Amazon where at least 2 isolated tribes live.
However, is it not just a bit overwhelming that we, who live in "the real world" are discussing whether or not the tribe should keep their land, or if the oil is needed for driving to work in the morning. I mean it is too cold to walk to a bus stop or train station in the middle of winter, so why should we take a tiny little tribe, that have been isolated for 1000s of years, in to consideration???

It is funny to think that these people have no idea of the world we live in, and yet we are acting like a Superior being who can decide their destiny. And all this media attention is for them completely unknown. And think just how much the sighting of the giant bird in the sky would effect their culture.

So yes, go oil go!

And the media is doing a tremendous job to portray the nature of the tribe. Welcome BBC's contribution:

After seeing and understanding that the organisation want to keep the tribe protected I don't really understand their choice of bringing it to the International Media's attention. Even though they might get enough support to stop the drilling, there will always be people who will seize the opportunity to approach the tribe.

Spectrum Project Space

Rivervale to Lucky Shag - Perth

28 May 2008

The Stairs

I was walking up the stairs, big white sandstone steps, and was headed somewhere where i knew I was not allowed. The section was primarily for VIP of the SPA/sporting facilities.
As i moved upwards i recognised a man, a man that would surely throw me out if he new i was not suppose to be there. However, this time he let me pass, with a grim smile on his face. I was very surprised, but turned left at the corner of the stairs and kept climbing upwards. I felt somewhat suspicious, as if something would turn in to a disturbing joke on my part. Blinded by my self-pride: that I had managed to fool the man on the lower steps, and kept me climbing higher and higher.
I had little clothes on considering that it was in the middle of winter. This did not concern me much since I was already inside - what did grab my attention was the fact that I held my hands in my one-pouch pocket on my sweater-dress, as if I was scared to loose what was inside it. I was holding on to my phone for dear life. And when I looked up I was more frightened by myself - the way i was protecting myself, as if i knew I was in over my head - than what I was facing. It was a man's face. The same face as the one that I meet in the lower part of the stair case. He tried to stop me from continuing climbing with an authoritarian intent.
But suddenly - I saw the expression on his face change, as if he just realised something, something up-stairs that would mean the end of my well being, if i continued climbing.
He asked me if i had any belongings, but pulled the question back in his mouth before i was able to answer, if I would have been able to find it within me to open my mouth, as he saw that all I was wearing was that nature green sweater-dress with only a one-pouch pocket, in which my hands where resting.
I was happy to have my phone with me still, since it represented my only safety if I chose to continue upwards.
I knew I had to, I felt like there was no turning back, even though the expressions I new was not of kindness but rather an expression of their dark sense of humour - they where enjoying the irony that I, who was not allowed at the top of the stairs, could not stop climbing, even though it was to my certain death - or at least the complete destruction of my character and personality.
I could not stop myself still, even though the contentment of the men on the stairs still burned my pride. I knew I had to continue, but then, when i had reached the top of the staircase the man yelled, with the same smile as i had seen on his face before - you cant use that in here, you know, this is a mass. His face was dark and his eyes were buring with an intense fire of contempt.
He had known about my phone all along, as he was smiling at me with evil in his eyes, I thought. Mass, what is mass, it cannot be the Christianity deal that I have been avoiding since my attempt to manage a confirmation ceremony, to get the presents in the end. The presents were not worth it then and would not be today.
I held on to my phone and considered to turn it to silent, i don't know why, but i didn't. I reasoned that I should keep a low profile in a place where the elite of the believers where masquerading their thirst for power as piousness.
As I walked through the hall that was slanted downwards away from the stairs, i noticed that the people who where there to take part in the mass where terrified of me. They did not act as if they where afraid but they whispered as I walked passed. To my surprise there were only women. They where shorter than me, and all wore robes in a creamy white heavy fabric that was dragged along as they turned their attention towards me. The hall seemed gloomy even though the candles where lit and the sandstone floor was brighter than usual.
I did not know what I was doing there, I only knew that, as i had feared on the stairs, I was in danger.
Because I was outnumbered by hundreds I felt a calm - contradicting as it sounds I felt at ease - I had not fallen into the pit of an organisation like this one, at least my mind was not there - I, atheist or not, had a higher moral ground than any of the robes in the room. Suddenly my fear was gone and I did nothing to leave the hall - or made any attempt to reach out at all. I sat on my stone bench in the back of the ice cold hall, abandoned by the women who was still staring from a distance, with eyes of hatred, hatred of the lord in hell rather than the lord above. But I was calm.

27 May 2008

Forgotten Text

I have to give Sylvester some credit now, cause he always seems to find all the weirdest stuff online. Maybe it is his mad Google Skills that make him a wizard of cool stuff.

Just now he found me on Google, writing a very angry blog about ECU, dated early 2007. I had completely forgotten about these post until I read them tonight. I think they are quite funny and deserve a good read. But instead of putting them all up here i posted them on my previous blog, since i want to follow a chronological order on this one.

Feb 1 2007 ECU traumatic
15 Feb 2007 orientation at ECU
5 March 2007 Lecture
13 March 2007 Reality in Australia
14 March 2007 ECU
1 April 2007 April fools only frogs
1 May 2007 Menora, The House With the Pool
21 May 2007 Brainwash or Preparing for Combat?
25 May 2007 The Struggle for a Utopian Society
4 October 2007 Advertising is not the Devil

It is always so much fun to be critical and i think you write better if you are provoked in some way...

26 May 2008

Building a House

Google has created a program called SketchUp in which you can do some basic 3D designs.
I have stared building a house, the small details can be downloaded from a database, which means it is quite easy to build a house to decorate, which is the fun part. I made this house in a couple of hours...

25 May 2008

Help yourself by helping Remedies

This is another great Branding Strategy, where you the customer become involved in the website. By wearing your worries on your chest you will release the weight of carrying it. Help I ...
for only 25 USD... (unfortunatly they dont deliver to Australia yet but i was promised that the business will be expanded to an international market by Richard Fine)
The website is very clean and fun. And if you are bored or have something on you mind the site helps you to deal with the problem:

the solution:
(there are a lot of engaging sounds on this "blank page")


The Water Horse: Legend of the Deep

This Movie is a complete replica of Free Willy. The plot is nearly the same except the boy in The Water Horse is friends with the loch ness monster, instead of a killer whale. Can you see the similarities?

This is without a question 2007's flop movie, and that's comparing it with other terrible movies in the same genre, like The Golden Compass for example.

The loch ness monster is very cute though and it seems to have a funny personality, which is the only amusing part of the script that is written with originality.

And tah dah!! recognise the end scene from some other movie? I must say that it seems the writers have lost their creativity.

24 May 2008

The New Favorite Drink

Hula Bula Bar in perth is one of the best bars to go and have a fun yet relaxing night. The whole place is decorated in the theme that the name of the bar suggest, and with every drink you get some freaky toy, like plastic eyes, jumping scorpions or finger puppets.

My favorite drink is the shrunken head that contains more rum than Jack Sparrow.

You find this place on 12 Victoria Avenue in East Perth, and i guarantee that you will love the tacky tikki feel of the bar.

Horton Hears a Who Adoption

The Horton Hears a Who Webpage is a fun integrated marketing campaign, which you will enjoy even if you are older than me. Now you can help the population of Whoville by adopting you own who, who you can dress and feed and (the best part) force to bust some moves for you.

You recieve a certificate that you can show all your friends and once you got your who you can post him/her on your blog/facebook/myspace, to further spread the message that Whoville needs saving.

I gave my charity case a nice tie, glasses, purple ears, a beautiful hat and a house to match. I even gave him some ice-cream and a lollie.

Channel 9 F*UP

Channel 9 News told the story of how iPhone was teaming up with Optus in Australia before the launch of the campaign. But the illustrator responsible for the background was sick, too busy too care or just extremely lazy.

The person responsible had made a search query on Google Images and used the first image of the results that came up. What he should have done was to go to apple.com and fetch an image, because the image he chose was a parody of the apple corporation, made to discuss the issue that apple has a monopoly of the software of their products. But now the OS X theoretically should be able to offer Windows XP on the iPhone. As you can see if you look closely the background of the phone is Windows XP with an Explorer Browser.

I would be smarter to use an image that actually represent the true function of the iPhone.

Not so cleaver Channel 9

Touch Table

23 May 2008

Hemma hos Mor

"var ska du resa? jag e hemma hos mamma myra. kladdkaka, präst ost och thai lax."

Veronica Carenfelt (2008)

Manage by Fear!

Have you learned anything? Who is the terrorist? The boy or the girl? Call the government on 1800 123 400

Play on Horses!

Play on Horses!  This is hilarious, the horses sing and you are the coir leader. SVT   The Google Challange is nearly over and we are sitting in the Boomerang Room at ECU trying to type our post-campaign strategy. But we always seem to freak out after a few hours of typing. The sessions always include showing the coolest and funniest clips online, and apparently this one, that is from the Swedish Government ruled TV station, was sent to Sylvester (an  Aussie).

The Google Challenge is nearly over and we are sitting in the Boomerang room at ECU, trying to type our post-campaign strategy. But we always seem to freak out after a few hours of typing. The sessions end up with an other kind of Google competition where the winner finds the coolest and funniest site, clip or song online, and the winners this session where CJ and Sylvester who found the horses above and the bunny below...