24 May 2008

Channel 9 F*UP

Channel 9 News told the story of how iPhone was teaming up with Optus in Australia before the launch of the campaign. But the illustrator responsible for the background was sick, too busy too care or just extremely lazy.

The person responsible had made a search query on Google Images and used the first image of the results that came up. What he should have done was to go to apple.com and fetch an image, because the image he chose was a parody of the apple corporation, made to discuss the issue that apple has a monopoly of the software of their products. But now the OS X theoretically should be able to offer Windows XP on the iPhone. As you can see if you look closely the background of the phone is Windows XP with an Explorer Browser.

I would be smarter to use an image that actually represent the true function of the iPhone.

Not so cleaver Channel 9