30 September 2008

Melbourne Baby!

We decided, after a rough night with little happening in Perth, to get on a plane and head to Melbourne.

We arrived last night at 1 am since then we have:

Checked in at the backpackers, which CJ wasn't too happy with.

We searched for food, and ended up at the Casino (tip from the backpackers) where the only decent food was McDonald's, which was crowded by Uni Games players, who all were dressed in neon colors and three sleeping tourists.

Occupied a private karaoke room, where we ordered drinks for 125AUD to finish within 45 minutes while singing "Put your head on my sho-o-o-oulder"

explored a wonderland alley, where as in the fairy tails you could get lost, just like Alice, and you even go to choose between two doors, Karin and I did not dare to enter. After all it was 5 am at this point.

Spent the remaining hours of dark in a 24 hour licenced café, playing a game of "the one who finishes their drink first gets the last one, bought for the purpose, as a prize,

and we are still, basically standing, all except Hein who, qoute: "är jävligt trött, men inte helt förstörd".

Now we have moved to a better accommodation full of promises, three more days of adventure.
Soon 24hours and counting, if we keep it up, I can promise some great stories.

26 September 2008

Facebook Targeted Ads

The idea with the new Facebook was seemingly to create an advertising friendly atmosphere, where advertising banners can be incorporated, with little disturbance to the user. The advertising online is suppose to be more accurately targeted to reach the target segment with minimum cost and effort. But one has to wonder, when an ad like this one...

...shows up on an absolute atheist's page, where the filter for fragmentation is limited. Waste, cause of exposure or no loss because, me ie. not the target audience, would never click it. Or perhaps I should, just cause I think it is stupid.

Boys Fight for Fun

25 September 2008

Tiger Tiger

24 September 2008

Fringe's Fibonacci


I just enjoyed the 2nd episode of Fringe, and as many other series, I suspect, leaning on the Fibonacci numbers. I could not help but to refresh my memory from, hmm, lets see, might have been year 11 maths, here in Australia. Lets face it, Sweden doesn't have as good maths education in high school.

There are some weird connections to Fibonacci numbers in nature:
For example, in the bee community, an egg laid by a unmated female will hatch a male (which in that case only has one parent, the mom bee) while an egg fertilized by a male bee will hatch female. (The female bees therefore always have two parents).
As the Fibonacci number sequence starts: 0 1 1 2 3 5 8 13, we can see that the bee community follows the same pattern:

One male bee (1 bee), he has 1 female parent (1 bee). This female had 2 parents, a male and a female (2 bees). The female had two parents, a male and a female, and the male had one female (3 bees). Those two females each had two parents, and the male had one (5 bees) and so on.

So the family tree is quite structured don't you think.

Apart from this I'm not quite sure what the Fibonacci numbers has to do with the Doctor in Fringe. He might be playing a mathematical game, to put himself to sleep, or in fact, he instead of counting sheep, as we mortals do, he counts the bees' family tree.

Or maybe he is counting, by habit, the number of eggs he would have to produce to ensure that the soldiers he was growing, that was in fact related to the natural pattern of Fibonacci, was of the standard he wanted.

23 September 2008

Thank You for Your Concern

It would seem that the big neighbor in the east, or for the Occident, the west, the health care companies in USA got very concerned when reading my last entry.
I would like to say thanks to the companies:
Boiron and Cooney Waters for reading my blog, with interest I hope.
I feel a lot better now, but thanks for the concern.

21 September 2008

The Passing of Flu

Was pretty much hoping that I would be on the top of hill moving slowly towards the downhill on the other side of this thing called Flu. Tricky business this Flu. It seems it has bonded with me and refuse to let go. Much like a person who has selected you as a friend, even though it knows that there is nothing more uncomfortable than a conversation between the two, it hangs on - constantly reminding you of its presence, that is the fever, much like a presence of a Ghost.

With Ghosts it has been said that you should acknowledge it's presence and then release it. I tried the theory with Flu and the result should have been equally relieving, but had no passing. As it was moving towards the light, ready to cross over it decided to hold on to the past, which for Flu and Ghost is not very healthy.

This revelation has made me rethink my battle front. Perhaps, unlike Ghost, Flu is more like a demonic presence in your body that can only be expelled by a proper exorcist. This conclusion, supported by the endless efforts to release it in to the light - that up to this point have not seemed to work - must as Martin Trevaskis, wisely, pointed out, as a demonic power, be passed on - becasue it surely cannot be destroyed.
The Soul needs cleansing.

16 September 2008


Kayrajn's Blog supplying the pictures.
Creative Minds

14 September 2008

Potatisgratäng Contribution #2

10 September 2008

Look I Cook!

After having spent many hours listening to people talk about what they had or will have for dinner, CJ and I decided not to slack behind and rise to the cooking challenge.
We did a great job, if I may say it myself.

On the menu:
2 Salmon Fillets
And of course lemon pepper and sea salt.

"Smartis! Yum, Yum, Yum."

08 September 2008

Cottesloe Sunset

Karin Rosén invited me to go to Cottesloe. She was going to do an assignment for her photography unit at ECU. The theme was: passing time, and what is left behind. ie. beer bottles and cigarette butts. I found my own way to pass the time. My own little photo project.

02 September 2008

Det finns gener hos män som avgör om de kommer vara trogna...

Vi kan även se kopplingen hos sociala sorkar:

"Präriesorkar lever i monogama parrelationer och är, till skillnad mot de mer lättfotade ängssorkarna, väldigt sociala. Forskarna har lyckats koppla det monogama beteendet till de gener som hänger ihop med hormonet vasopressin genom att jämföra båda dessa arter."

2 September, Dagens Nyheter